Is my information confidential? All personal information gathered during the provision of the psychological service will remain strictly confidential and secure except where:
It is subpoenaed by a court or disclosure is otherwise required by law
Failure to disclose information would place you or another person at serious/ imminent risk
Your prior approval has been obtained to provide a written report or to communicate to another professional in another way
Current or reported abuse of a child, and/or threat to abuse a child
Aside form the above all information provided to Hunter Anxiety Clinic is strictly 100% confidential
Do I need a referral from my GP to make an appointment? Yes! If you are unable to see your GP to obtain a referral to our service please contact us to discuss.
How many treatment sessions do I need? The length of treatment differs for each individual. At Hunter Anxiety Clinic our aim is to teach you the skills to manage your emotions and cope in situations so you do not need to be in treatment for longer than needed. This may be a few sessions or could require a longer period of treatment.